Reminder : Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun - have you passed the details on?

The Christmas holidays are nearly upon us, so could we ask for your help with one last reminder to parents about the holiday activity and food sessions, please? You should have already received your HAF codes for children who receive free school meals. If you haven't done so already, please pass them onto your eligible families so they can book free activities. Please note that there are also places available for vulnerable young people on the activity scheme. As you are best placed to identify these children, please take the time to do this and contact us at for the codes needed so they can book free activities. Codes are issued on a first come first served basis.

If you can support us in getting another message out to families about the holiday scheme, please send out a reminder to parents as follows:

The Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun activity programme provides holiday activities for children and young people aged 5-16 (or 4 if your child is slightly younger but in school) in Norfolk. The majority of sessions will take place between Monday 20th and Thursday 23rd December across the county, with a few activities also available the following week. All children may take part. There are free spaces and paid spaces on most activities. The free spaces are reserved for children who are eligible for means-tested free school meals, and you should have received a code to enable you to book. If you haven't had your code, please contact us. Children who do not receive means-tested free school meals can sign up to many exciting activities for a small fee. Families should visit Big Norfolk Holiday Fun - Active Norfolkto search for and book activities

Thank you for helping us to communicate with families, we really appreciate your help.

This news item was published : 10 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.