Launch of new campaign - Helping Children feel Safe and Loved

This week sees the launch of Norfolk Safeguarding Children's Partnership (NSCP) new campaign, Helping Children feel Safe and Loved.

The new video and resources on Just One Norfolk (JON) can help you to start some difficult conversations with families that may be finding it difficult to meet their child's basic needs. Self-help resources including Family Networking, understanding mental health and more are all helpful starting points for families to take some time to explore. The campaign also gives a voice to young people, communicating in their own words what parents can do to help them feel safe and loved. You can find the video and resources on the JON website, and please do share the video and link on social media and with families.

This news item was published : 10 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

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