Save the date! Norfolk Autism Awareness Week 2022

Join us from 28 March to 1 April to promote autism awareness in schools! NCC are working in partnership with professionals from Autism Bases and the Local Authority to coordinate a suite of activities, resources and training that will support teaching during Autism Awareness Week.

The resource pack is currently in development and will be tailored to both primary and secondary year groups. It will be suitable for use in classes to help raise awareness and improve pupils' understanding of autism. CPD on offer will support teaching staff in delivering these resources with confidence. There will also be opportunities to network and observe good practice from the Autism Bases, as well as find out more about Norfolk's autism support services.

More details to follow! An MI sheet will be published with links to the resource pack in early March, so make sure you've got the date in your diaries now: 28 March to 1 April.

This news item was published : 21 January 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

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