Archaeological opportunity - Explore the history of Great Yarmouth !


A unique new archaeology mission is set to launch next week (w/c 14 February) allowing residents to join with professionals to explore Great Yarmouth's history.

The project

As part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone Scheme, Great Yarmouth Borough Council is partnering with Cotswold Archaeology to create the 'Uncovering Yarmouth' project, which will see them investigating the history of the Great Yarmouth Minster churchyard and around the Market Place.

The project will kick off on Monday 14 February, using ground penetrating radar to extend our knowledge of the area's past. Radar is used by archaeologists to identify structures beneath the ground without having to dig it all up.

The aim of the survey is to discover the line of the medieval town wall and the probable St. Nicholas' Gate, which was totally demolished in 1799 to extend the churchyard as well as any other structures that might have stood in the area in the past. Surveying the line of the old town wall might help establish the shape of the towers and whether the towers were round or square.

There will also be many other community engagement opportunities within this project, including building surveys, test pitting and schools' activities.

How to be involved too

Keen archaeologists, hobbyists and anyone interested is encouraged to get involved with the project, which will also offer the chance to undergo skills training and education but most importantly will help build up a picture of the history of our important town.

Those interested in getting involved are encouraged to email for more information.


This news item was published : 11 February 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

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