Oh crumbs! The search is on for Norfolk's most Tasty Toastie

The Food Savvy* team has launched a competition to find Norfolk and Suffolk's most Tasty Toastie. New research reveals over a quarter of people in Norfolk say they often throw unused bread in the bin, contributing to a whopping 20 million slices of bread - one million loaves - thrown away every day in the UK.

The Tasty Toastie competition is a bid to inspire everyone to try new ways to make the most of those leftover slices. The best ideas from each of Norfolk and Suffolk will be chosen in the following age categories: primary school pupils, secondary school pupils and adults (aged 18 and over).

To be in with a chance of winning a £50 voucher for cooking equipment, a cookbook of your choice and a Food Savvy apron, entrants are invited to submit their recipe, drawing, quick film or photo to foodsavvy@hubbub.org.uk before 10 April.

Entrants will also be invited to a cook-along in April with Suffolk based Instagram food stars Joey and Katy, who will choose the ultimate Tasty Toastie. To find out more about the Tasty Toastie competition and for top toastie tips, visit https://www.foodsavvy.org.uk/tasty-toastie.

We would be very grateful if you could include the competition in your next communication with schools. The Tasty Toastie competition is a fun way to get creative in the kitchen during the Easter Holidays whilst also highlighting the issue of food waste.

* Food Savvy is a collaborative food waste reduction campaign led by Norfolk County Council, Suffolk Waste Partnership and environmental charity, Hubbub. We want to help households save money and reduce food waste. For more information about Food Savvy please head to www.foodsavvy.org.uk

This news item was published : 18 March 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

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