E3 funding arrangements for financial year 2022-23 workshop and surgery - still time to book!

E3 funding workshop

This is an information sharing session for mainstream educational settings and other external stakeholders regarding E3 funding arrangements for the financial year 2022-23. It will be of interest to senior leaders, SENDCOs, inclusion leads, business managers from mainstream educational settings, external colleagues in education, health or social care, representatives from parent carer groups, and other professionals supporting children and young people (CYP) with SEND in Norfolk.

The session will include:

  • How to make requests for funding
  • Evidence to support funding requests
  • Processes and timescales, including key dates
  • Banding amounts
  • Signposting to supporting resources and training
  • An opportunity for Q&A

Book now!

This twilight workshop will be held on 13 June 2022, 16:00-17:00 via Microsoft Teams. Joining instructions will be sent out the day before the event.

For more details and how to book, please see the attached flyer.

Note: This training will also be delivered in the Autumn term on 20 September 2022.

Surgery sessions

The surgeries follow on from the above workshop on 13 June 2022.

These individual 15-minute sessions will provide an opportunity for SEND leads in mainstream settings to meet with Learning and SEND advisers to discuss the revised E3 funding arrangements for the financial year 2022-23 and ask questions. They will be of interest to senior leaders, SENDCOs and inclusion leads from mainstream schools.

For dates, times and how to book, please see the attached flyer. The first surgery sessions are on 29 June 2022 from 09:00 to 17:30.

This news item was published : 30 May 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.