Flourish June 2022 - Newsletter 5

Welcome to our updated version of our June Flourish newsletter about the work of the Norfolk Children and Young People Strategic Alliance (CYPSA).

This newsletter is our chance to tell you about the work of the alliance and to share the good work taking place in agencies across Norfolk. By working together and sharing learning and best practice we can achieve our vision for every child and young person in Norfolk to flourish.

This bulletin is issued every other month, following the meeting of the CYPSA Board and will include news from the board, as well as broader updates from our members, including our sister group the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP).

If you have ideas for the newsletter, or news you want to share across the partnership, then please get in touch at cscomms@norfolk.gov.uk. Please also share this update in full, or in part, with colleagues within your organisation.

Sara Tough

This news item was published : 22 June 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.