Big Norfolk Holiday Fun - We would love your feedback

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Summer 2022 programme has drawn to a close and the time for evaluation has commenced. Schools play a key role in helping us reach the families who could benefit most from accessing free activities and food over the holidays. This is why we'd like to understand your School's experience of being involved with Big Norfolk Holiday Fun, what has gone well from your perspective, and what you have found challenging, how we might be able to further support you in the future, and what impact the programme has for schools, children and families. Please use these questions to reflect on this. Your responses will be used to help us to develop this in the future.

This survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Please circulate this survey to the relevant staff members who could provide feedback regarding the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun. Click here to complete the survey.

This news item was published : 26 August 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.