We can help you reduce congestion outside your school

We offer all Norfolk schools free training to help you, and your colleagues, get started and make the most out of what Modeshift STARS offers. We can help you

  • Write a National Standard School Travel Plan
  • Get recognition for your action via nationally recognised accreditation and links to OFSTED reporting
  • Monitor and evaluate your travel initiatives
  • Find lots of interesting ideas and resources to try out
  • Find relevant lesson plans national events guidance to pick and choose from
  • Set up student led initiatives
  • Create marketing materials
  • Create A five-minute walking bubble map that you can print out, or include in newsletters to send to parents

Our next training session takes place this winter term on 7 December 2022 from 3.30-5pm.

  • More than one person may attend per school, but places are limited
  • Priority will be given to 'AtoBetter schools', but any Norfolk school can attend
  • The training is delivered via Microsoft Teams
  • All AtoBetter schools that complete the Modeshift STARS training will have the opportunity to participate in our School Programme subject to availability

To register your interest for the training or find out more about the AtoBetter school programme contact esme.holtom@norfolk.gov.uk or visit AtoBetter and Schools - Norfolk County Council

This news item was published : 17 November 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.