Wanted: children and young people with SEND to help design their next survey!

FAO - all SENCOs

We are running a participation event on Saturday 21 January 2023 (with lunch provided) for children and young people (11-25 yrs) with SEND to help us design the next annual SEND survey.

They will have the opportunity to share their ideas about what questions to ask and how to write questions that are easy to read and understand.

Please share this opportunity with the SEND pupils in your school(s). You can register them using the QR code on the attached PDF poster, which also includes more details.

Full details, including the day's schedule, are available on our website.

This news item was published : 22 December 2022.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.