The role of RSHE in supporting positive Ofsted outcomes

This webinar will help you understand RSHE's unique and pivotal contribution to your school's evidence for Personal Development judgement, and explore how to effectively gather, present and communicate evidence of pupils' learning and progress.

The role of RSHE in supporting positive Ofsted outcomes.07/02/23 16:00 - 17:00 MST

In the new inspection model, we are particularly interested in how schools contribute to the personal development of children. This makes more space in inspection for discussing things like the PSHE lessons in which wider life issues can be explored.
Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, July 2019

RSHE provision stretches beyond personal development. A well-considered and comprehensive RSHE programme can contribute to all four judgement areas, as well as being essential to safeguarding.

This webinar will help you understand RSHE's unique and pivotal contribution to your school's evidence for Personal Development judgement, and explore how to effectively gather, present and communicate evidence of pupils' learning and progress.

The session will be led by Alice Ndiaye, Inclusion Adviser: RSHE and school culture, with expert contributions from Sue Smith: Assistant Director of Education Quality Assurance Intervention and Regulation Service.

Book your place on this fully funded webinar here: The role of RSHE in supporting positive Ofsted outcomes.

If you have any questions about this webinar, Norfolk's RSHE support offer or RSHE more broadly, please contact us on our mailbox, providing a single point of enquiry and entry to our services:

This news item was published : 16 January 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.