Norfolk SENDIAS - Upcoming training for parent/carers and professionals
28th Feb 2023 - Online training - How to appeal a final EHCP training for parent/carers
We have upcoming training for parent/carers and professionals wanting to know more on the process of appealing a final Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), it focuses specifically on appealing needs (section B), provision (section F) and placement (section I).
6th Mar 2023 - PROFFESIONALS ONLY - Understanding SEND disagreement resolution and mediation for professionals
Content:- Who are SENDIASS and what do they do?
- Who are KIDS mediation service and what do they do?
- What is Disagreement Resolution
- What is the difference between disagreement resolution & mediation?
- When must be mediation be considered?
- What is the role of the professional at tribunal and mediation?
- Key skills for professionals at mediation
- Q&A
Please be aware this is training is for professionals only.
Visit our website for more information and to book your place.
This news item was published : 17 January 2023.