Inspectors say progress has been made in improving Norfolk's SEND services

Progress has been made in addressing weaknesses in support for children with SEND in Norfolk, according to a report published on Monday 6 February.

Inspectors from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said Norfolk has determined and committed leaders, who respond to feedback, and active and effective parent carer groups.

These comments come two weeks after Ofsted judged Children's Services in Norfolk as good across the board and follows back-to-back visits from inspectors.

This latest report follows a revisit to the county in November by Ofsted/CQC to assess whether Norfolk County Council and Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) had made sufficient progress in addressing three areas of significant weakness in services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) identified by a full Area SEND Inspection in 2020.

These were: the timeliness of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs); supporting the transition to adult life of young people with SEND; and communication and co-production with families.

Cllr John Fisher, cabinet member for Norfolk County Council's Children's Services, said: This SEND Ofsted/CQC report, coupled with our recent council Ofsted inspection, highlights our determination to continue to improve services for children and their families.

Although we are delighted with the progress we've made with partners in addressing the identified weaknesses in our SEND services, we know the job is not done and we still need to do more.

We have strong leadership in place and ambitious plans to further develop the support we provide to children with SEND and their families and the professionals who work with them.

Find the full report and further information on the Norfolk SEND Local Offer web pages. If you'd like regular updates on SEND in Norfolk sign up for the Norfolk SEND Bulletin.

Read more about our new six-year Local First Inclusion programme to improve support for children and young people with SEND on the Norfolk County Council website.

This news item was published : 07 February 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

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