Have your say on the Healthy Child Programme!
The Public Health Children and Young People (CYP) team are holding an online engagement event on 21.04.23 (12.30 - 13.30) to gather knowledge, opinions and views on the current Healthy Child Programme (HCP) service including Just One Norfolk and Just One Number, to help shape and inform its continuous development.
The Healthy Child Programme (HCP) delivers advice, guidance and support to young people and the professionals who work with them.
We want to hear from people who work and engage with the HCP and those who work with and support children and young people.
We are looking to talk to professionals from education, health, social care, voluntary sector and police to share with us about their understanding and knowledge of the HCP.
If you feel you are able to help, us please book here
This news item was published : 26 March 2023.