Virtual Support for Summer Term

Welcome back to yet another busy Summer Term! We continue to appreciate all that you do to work alongside our children in care, previously in care or children with a social worker. We have a variety of opportunities for Summer Term Professional Development to support staff working with our specific groups of young people. Currently this is offered at no cost to schools and settings.

Back after successful sessions during the Spring Term is "Connecting with Children through Outdoor Learning". Delegates feedback that "It has been an accommodating day that has helped me understand more ways of how to include outdoor learning activities to support and engage the children I work with". This is a two-day practical experience to explore outdoor activities that promote the benefits of nature connection, alongside developing children's attachment, emotional regulation, and literacy. This immersive experience will develop delegates awareness of theories in action and strategies that support a child that has experienced trauma or adversity.

Book here

The Journey of the Unaccompanied Minor session will give professionals an insight into the type of journeys experienced (pre and during migration) by unaccompanied minors who are seeking asylum and the journey they are yet to face once arriving in the UK. "Brilliant training session, I will take a lot of knowledge and ideas from this into my work with UASC." This is available on 6th June and open to all professionals working alongside Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Minors.

Book here

Supporting the Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum in Day to Day Trauma Informed Practice will explore reasoning and practice for trauma-informed psychosocial group support of Unaccompanied Minors. The focus will be on teaching non-psychotherapeutically approaches, alongside informed key workers and fundamental principles for working with UASC. Feedback from Spring Term delegates said "Incredibly powerful, inspiring and ready to be adapted and applied to practice immediately."

Book here

Each of these opportunities is face to face providing some additional opportunities to share good practise please follow the link for bookings or use the title to search the booking site.

Our ongoing Virtual School Professional Development offers support for Producing High Quality PEPs and the role of the Designated Teacher.

We are currently preparing our Professional Development Offer for 2023 to 2024 and will be sharing this with you before May Half Term. Watch out for some new opportunities coming soon! For additional information please contact

This news item was published : 28 April 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.