Teacher's 'Inset' Training for the Julian 650 exhibition

The Teacher's 'Inset' Training for the Julian 650 exhibition will take place on Thursday 7 September from 3.00pm - 6.00pm at St Stephen's Church, Rampant Horse Street, Norwich.

This free training for Primary School teachers will be exploring the words and pictures of Julian of Norwich through art, R.E., and philosophy. It is an interesting and unusual approach to children's ideas on the sacred and relationship to God.

The aim of the session is to provide ways for teachers to discuss children's responses both to art and to the 'shewings' of Julian of Norwich.

We will introduce both practical Group sessions in using art to explore ideas and philosophical enquiry as an approach to children's learning.

It is limited to 30 places.


Dot Lenton, Philosophy for children

Dot has been involved with Philosophy for Children (P4C) for many years, working with children from inner-city primary schools as well as rural schools. She was head teacher in a small rural school, where she introduced P4C as a result of seeing the need for children to think for themselves. Her experience extends to working with teachers, governors and other adults. She was a consultant for the Primary Strategy for Norfolk Advisory Service. She is presently a Diocesan School Support Officer.

Lucy Care, Artist and exhibition organiser

Lucy Care has worked as an artist and community arts project officer for many years. She has organised schools arts projects most recently for the Bowthorpe Arts Foundation and is currently working on a pottery project with the Sainsbury Centre around the work of Julian Stair. 'Art, Death and the Afterlife.' She is organising the Julian exhibition 650, 'Love is the Meaning' for the Julian Partnership and the Friends of Julian. Her work can be found at :lucycare.co.uk
Contact Lucy Care: pastongriffin@gmail.com

This news item was published : 12 June 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.