Summer Reading Challenge 2023: Ready Set Read!
Dear Schools,
1 in 5 children cannot read well by the age of 11. This hugely limits their life choices and skills. We're on a mission to change this and we need your help!
We invite you to encourage your pupils to take up the Summer Reading Challenge. It's the UK's biggest reading for pleasure programme for children aged 4 to 11, delivered via public libraries. Children can sign up at their local library or online - please see below for further details.
Last year in Norfolk, almost 9000 children joined the Challenge.
You can make a huge difference by encouraging your pupils to take part- contact your local library today!
The Summer Reading Challenge:
- Significantly improves reading confidence and independence
- Ensures pupils are ready for their return to school, preventing the summer reading 'dip'
- Aids the successful transition between year groups and key stages
- Contributes to all pupils' achievement
- Encourages extra-curricular activity - encouraging family engagement with reading
- Develops links between your school, the library and the wider community
For children who took part in 2022
- 77% read more over the summer holidays
- 75% improved their reading skills
- 71% felt more confident about their reading
How it works
- Children sign up through their local library and receive a collector folder.
- They set a reading goal and borrow books of their choice during the summer, collecting special stickers and incentives.
- Library staff and volunteers help children to discover new books that suit their interests and reading level and run a programme of free themed activities in the library.
- Children who complete the Challenge are presented with a certificate and a medal. You could organise a special assembly to present the certificates in the new term.
- Children can take part online, too!
Next steps
- Look at the Schools Info Pack: Schools Info Pack 2023 - Ready, Set, Read! Reading Agency
- Visit the Summer Reading Challenge School Zone for more information and free resources.
- Send a newsletter to parents and carers with information about the Challenge. You can use the handy template here.
- Book a visit from your local library staff. We can tell your pupils more about the Challenge, and even present a special assembly.
Combining FREE access to books at local libraries with creative activities to take part in during the summer holidays, the Summer Reading Challenge is the perfect way to support your pupils' learning during the holidays, ensuring they return ready for a great start to the new academic year.
Yours sincerely,
Laura Mouland & Apryl Markham-Uden
Community Librarians for Children and Young People, Norfolk Library and Information Service
This news item was published : 19 June 2023.