World Funfair Month
What is World Funfair Month?
World Fun Fair Month, which takes place in September, aims to unite Showmen from around the world to celebrate all aspects of the fairgrounds, and the joy they bring to communities everywhere. We have a number of Showmen pupils in schools across Norfolk and would like to take this opportunity to celebrate their unique culture.
See I am a Showman - World Funfair Month - YouTube.
What can we do as a school?
We know many schools may wish to participate but we also know it's the first month of the new academic year which is always busy.
The GRT Service have produced Padlets that enable schools to embed Showman history, art and culture into their curriculums, adding diversity to teaching and learning.
See Showman and Circus Resources (
Schools may also find the following information and resources helpful:
- The BBC filmed a documentary following the life of Norfolk Showmen Nipper Appleton, 5 generation Showmen of the biggest Showmen family in the East of England. Watch a short extract from the documentary please click on the following link: 'I will be a showman as long as humanly possible' - BBC News (1min 38s)
- Future4Fairgrounds ( represents the travelling fairground community across the UK and celebrates all aspects of the fairground tradition
The GRT Service hope you all enjoy this year's World Funfair month!
If you have any questions, please email
This news item was published : 19 September 2023.