Kellogg's Breakfast Club Grants Programme

Kellogg's has teamed up with Forever Manchester to award grants of £1,000 to school Breakfast Clubs, to help them provide breakfast to those children who need it most.

You can apply for an award at any date and you will hear within one month if you have been successful. Please note the fund may close at short notice if oversubscribed.

Please read the following before beginning your application:

  • Your breakfast club must be based in and run by a school in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
  • A limited number of grants are available so priority will be given to schools that have either:

35% and above of children eligible for pupil premium funding (for England) and eligible for free school meals (Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales).
schools that are based in an area which is classified as falling in the 10% of most deprived areas according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation. You can find out if this applies to your school by following the instructions which you can find here.

Please note we are also unable to accept applications from fee paying schools. Only one grant per school in each academic year is available. Applications from new Breakfast Clubs will be considered and if successful, we may be in touch to hear how your Club is progressing.

By applying to the Kellogg's Breakfast Club Grants Programme you are agreeing to allow Forever Manchester and Kellogg's to use your school's details for publicity purposes. You are also agreeing that all details provided are accurate at the time of submitting your application.

All schools that apply to the Kellogg's Breakfast Club Grants Programme will be automatically signed up to the Kellogg's Breakfast Club Network. Through the Breakfast Club Network, Kellogg's will contact you with offers and information to help your Breakfast Club.

You can save progress on your application and return to it at any point up until the application is submitted


If you are unsure about any of the above text or have any other queries then please contact Forever Manchester on 0044 161 214 0940 or e-mail

This news item was published : 12 October 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.