Have your say on Norfolk's Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Plans

As a valued stakeholder, Norfolk County Council is inviting you to let us know your thoughts on our proposed Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling Strategy 2023-2036.

This is an update to our strategy which was published in 2017. Since then, we have seen a step change in national and local policy which has placed walking, wheeling and cycling at the heart of decision making.

Our proposed new strategy sets out our vision for walking, wheeling and cycling, and brings together our local transport, environmental and public health ambitions.

Our vision is to create a healthier and greener Norfolk by enabling people to walk, wheel and cycle more often. We want people to see these options as the natural choice for shorter journeys, or as part of a longer journey. We support the government's ambition to have 50% of the journeys in towns and cities to be completed by walking, wheeling, and cycling by 2030.

The draft strategy identifies Seven Steps to Success which outline how we aim to achieve our vision. These are:

  1. Engage with local communities and enable behaviour change.
  2. Create a safe, connected and well-maintained walking, wheeling and cycling network for all that gets people to where they need to be.
  3. Build healthy places, spaces and communities.
  4. Support multi-modal journeys (using different types of transport to complete a journey).
  5. Embrace new technology.
  6. Remove barriers to provide a network that is accessible, inclusive and considers the needs of all users.
  7. Work with our partners to achieve common ambitions.

The scale and pace of delivery will depend on our ability to secure funding for our ambitions.

How to take part

We really want to hear from residents and organisations to get their thoughts on the draft strategy. We are running a consultation which is available online and in paper form.

To find out more, and take part in the consultation, please visit: norfolk.gov.uk/walking-wheeling-cycling

We are consulting from 16 October to 24 November.

Please note that if we receive any consultation responses after 24 November, we cannot guarantee we will be able to take them into account.

The findings of our consultation will feed into a final draft of the strategy, and they will be fed back to our county councillors ahead of a decision to adopt the strategy.

This news item was published : 23 October 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

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