Busseys Community Tree Grant launched

We have launched Busseys Community Tree Grant which means up to £2,500 grants are available for tree planting at local schools.

Norfolk County Council in partnership with Busseys has launched an exciting grant scheme to help local communities plant new trees and create greener areas to enjoy. This campaign is a crucial part of the council's One Million Trees project, aimed at transforming our county into a greener paradise and helping us reach our ambitious net-zero targets.

Busseys is providing £10,000 to support anyone looking to plant trees that deliver community benefits; you can get up to £2,500 for your tree planting project.

To ensure the success of your project, an application process is in place to make sure the trees you plant thrive in their new homes and truly benefit your community. For more information on how to apply, the application process, and deadlines, visit how to apply - Norfolk County Council.

Your school can be a part of this incredible journey towards a greener and more sustainable Norfolk.

This news item was published : 20 October 2023.

Warning this news item was published over 2 years ago and may be out of date.

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