New SEND training portal
We want to support you to support children and families, so we have created a new one stop shop for professionals who work with children with SEND. It provides a range of training and resources in one place so that everything you need is at your fingertips.
You can find the portal on Just One Norfolk. You'll just need to access the professional login to get to the resources. Use this link Log In ( and if you have any questions or issues, email
The training has been developed by a multi-disciplinary group with skills and knowledge in SEND, so that we can make sure it is the best training to meet your needs and the needs of children and families.
Some of the courses and topics covered include: Essential SEND Learning; Understanding Specific Needs; Participation and Transitions.
We want to grow and improve these resources, so please let us know what you think and if there's things we need to add. Please complete the feedback form once you have visited the portal.
There's already lots of information and resources for parents on the Local Offer but we're also developing a similar training resources parents and carers on Just One Norfolk.
By equipping you with the latest training and building on your passion and professional skills we can help all children and young people with SEND to flourish.
Please keep a record of your learning using the format required within your own organisation.
This news item was published : 03 November 2023.