Reminder - KS1 and KS2 Statutory Test Papers for 2024
This a reminder that, on Monday 16 October, the following forms were made available on the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG) for:
- Schools to submit their holiday dates (the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) will take these into account when planning delivery of test materials)
- Maintained schools and academies to order modified versions of the KS2 tests
- Participating independent schools to order standard and modified versions of the KS2 tests
- Special schools, PRUs and secure units to place KS2 test orders for pupils working at the standard of the tests and able to access them
- Schools with no pupils working at the standard of the check to decline phonics screening check materials.
The deadline for completion of these activities is Friday 17 November 2023.
Please note that maintained schools and academies do not need to place a test order for standard versions of the KS2 tests. STA will calculate the quantities they require based on their census and pupil registration data.
Independent schools choosing to participate in the KS2 assessments for one or more subjects must have issued a privacy notice to the parents of any pupils taking the tests, and received approval for their child's participation, before placing a test order on the PAG by Friday 17 November.
For independent schools to receive KS2 test materials, they must have an agreement in place with a local authority to monitor the tests and have reported this information to STA, on the PAG, by Friday 8 December. Independent schools that do not report which local authority they have an agreement with, will not be able to complete pupil registration and may not receive test materials.
Further information is available in the assessment and reporting arrangements (phonics screening check) and the key stage 2 (KS2) assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) for 2024.
This news item was published : 10 November 2023.