Three fully-funded, termly GRT Primary Networks

Ensuring all schools are developing a culture and ethos of inclusion, meeting their equality duties and ready to effectively support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) pupils the GRT Service are offering three fully-funded, termly GRT Primary Networks.

Our first EYFS and Primary GRT network, is on 14th November from 15.30 - 17.00 and is suitable for all roles within your school, including Governors, where we explore best practice and provision for GRT pupils.

Following are some quotes from last year's attendees:

'I found the network very interesting and thought provoking.'

'I now understand differentiation for the communities that come under the GRT umbrella'.

'It reminded me of when I worked closely alongside Traveller families in my last school and the good relations we had established: I would like all staff to be able to foster these in due course.'

GRT EYFS and Primary Network Norfolk Services for Schools - 14/11/2023


By coming to the GRT network participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Share good practice, concerns, ideas and solutions with colleagues county wide
  • Broaden your knowledge of the culture and diversity of GRT communities
  • Keep up to date with national and local developments

A reminder will be emailed to you the last working day before the training date.

For any further details/enquiries about the network please contact

This news item was published : 10 November 2023.

Warning this news item was published over a year ago.