Anti-Racism in Education Norfolk Network Meeting
Last year Norfolk schools had the opportunity to 'Talk about Race' with Professor Paul Miller and many schools fed back that they would benefit from further support with developing the Anti-Racist practice needed to ensure our schools are safe and welcoming spaces for all and where everyone can flourish.
Join us for the next of our fully funded Anti-Racism in Education Norfolk Network Meetings, hosted by Inclusion Advisor and RSHE lead: Alice Ndiaye.
Each session has a focus that supports a whole school approach to Anti-Racism. There will be a guest speaker, input from schools with examples of good practice and a discussion on what actions can be taken in schools to continue the journey to Anti-Racism.
This webinar's theme will be 'Children and young people's voice and participation in Anti-Racist Practice'.
Join this twilight webinar on 12 February between 15:30 - 17:00.
You will leave these sessions with:
- The latest local and national guidance around Anti-Racist practice in education,
- Guidance around how to embed Anti-Racist practice in your school using a Whole School Approach model,
- Signposting to further support, resources and information including local schools and organisations.
This session is designed for teachers and school-based practitioners but is also open to the wider workforce.
For any further details/enquiries about the course please contact
This news item was published : 08 January 2024.