Educational Trip Abroad Travel Grant

The Sir Philip Reckitt Educational Trust had a fantastic year in 2023 and the Trustees were so pleased to see people travelling again. We managed to consider over 250 applications from many individuals, schools, colleges and universities within our county. We are delighted to see these individuals and organisations are now planning ahead for 2024 and we look forward to receiving applications for travel this year.

Just as a reminder to those who are interested, the aim of the Trust is to encourage individuals resident or in education in the geographic boundary of Norfolk to travel, preferably abroad, to further their interest or education. We do not fund full-time education and associated commuting but individuals undertaking projects or research as part of their course are welcome to apply.

Application forms for grants to travel next year can be obtained by either ringing Julie Pickering on 01508-518115, via e-mail, by writing to the address below or by accessing our 'SPRET' website (see below). Applicants must clearly outline on the application form the nature of the project for which a grant is sought. There is no age limit, but we do request that applications are received at least six weeks prior to departure. Priority will be given to those we receive by 1 March 2024.

All applications submitted for consideration must have the backing of the Principal of the establishment at which you normally attend or in the case of other applicants, the support of your employer or suitable referee. This supporting letter should be forwarded via post, e-mail attachment to the application form or be forwarded direct by the referee. Awards will be made on a strictly individual basis so that grants are not normally made to exploration societies and expeditions as a total group, so each member of the group needs to complete their own form.

The Trustees require a written report from those who receive grants, at the conclusion of the travel period, and it is considered reasonable to expect this to be forwarded within three months of their arrival back home. The Trustees would underline the obligation falling upon those supporting applications in this respect, as they do wish to avoid the unnecessary expense and inconvenience in 'chasing' these reports.

In the event that a beneficiary is unable to take part in the trip for which we have provided an education grant then our grant must be returned in full. If travel is simply postponed but rearranged at some point in the future the grant can be retained, unless it subsequently gets cancelled - in which case the grant must be returned. We also recommend that applicants consider taking out insurance cover for this eventuality.

We look forward to receiving your applications in due course.

Sir Philip Reckitt Educational Trust
Address: c/o Mrs J Pickering, 99 Yarmouth Road, Ellingham, Bungay, NR35 2PH
Tel: 01508-518115
Registered Charity Number: 529777

This news item was published : 22 January 2024.

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