Promoting Digifest in schools - Events in Norfolk Libraries encouraging the development of digital skills and literacy

What is Digifest?

Digifest is an annual programme of events in Norfolk Libraries that encourages young people and families to develop digital skills and literacy. By delivering fun, interactive activities we aim to lower barriers to access and inspire the next generation of problem-solvers, critical thinkers and engaged digital citizens.

Digifest sessions are designed to be exciting and aspirational because we know that along with access to computers, lack of motivation and trust are significant barriers to engaging with the digital world. Our emphasis is on inclusion, learning skills, and giving people the chance to experience new technologies in a safe, accessible, and welcoming environment.

Throughout the whole of February there will be over 120 free events taking place across the library service, for children aged four to 14. Some events are one-off specials, such as a Lego Stop-Motion event, and the chance to use the Codeapillar or a Coding Critter to start learning about programming. For 2024, we've got lots of snazzy new tech and new robots to meet, but not everything is about coding- there are great digital art and design opportunities too!

What would we like you to do?

We would really like to draw attention to our programme of free events and have included both a PowerPoint presentation and a video link for you to share in your school assemblies, along with teachers notes to support you. We would also appreciate if you could draw parents' attention to our sessions, by sharing with them the useful links included in this pack and/or by sending onto them our parent/carer letter which explains Digifest and the information which may have been shared with their children in school.

This news item was published : 23 January 2024.

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