Active Lives Survey: Children and Young People's view on physical activity.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Education and Sport England has selected approximately 50 schools in Norfolk to take part in the Spring Term of the Children & Young People's Active Lives Survey.

It's important to understand the Active Lives survey, its purpose and its impact on children and young people in Norfolk. The survey measures engagement in, and attitudes towards, sport and physical activity among children and young people in school Years 1-11. This is a good opportunity to obtain pupil voice to understand whether your school's physical activity and sport offer meets the needs of the pupils. To find out more about the survey, please watch this short video.

High participation rates provide data sets for the county and your specific locality, which is key.

Your school will receive an email indicating your selection and we encourage you to take part. Check if your school has been selected. If your school has not been selected, and you are interested in taking part, your school can opt in.

The deadline for completing the survey is 29 March 2024.

Your school would receive benefits such as a full report, alongside this is an opportunity for bespoke support from Active Norfolk. Your school would also receive a sports equipment voucher if the minimum requirement of 30 responses per school is met. As well as this, your school would gain a Healthy Schools Scheme certification.

If you would like to opt in or you have any additional questions, please contact Rebecca Elliott (Development Officer: Families and Communities at

This news item was published : 24 January 2024.

Warning this news item was published over a year ago.