Youth Artist of the Year - Norfolk Show 2024

The Royal Norfolk Show is one of the largest county shows in the UK. This year it is the Art Gallery's 50th Anniversary and to celebrate this event, they are launching a new project, introducing an art initiative to promote youth art in our county.

Youth Artist of the Year

We are inviting art students studying at GCSE, A Level or Higher Education to submit work via a digital image to be entered into this competition, which will be assessed by a small panel of professional local artists. A short list of 10 artists from the images will be generated, and after viewing original artwork, one winner & runner up will be chosen.

The shortlisted artists will receive promotion and publicity via our social media and website. The winner will be offered 3* years to exhibit at the Royal Norfolk Show Art Marquee, alongside many professional and well know local artists as well as receiving free tickets to the show. We will also feature work by the runner up in the art marquee this year.

Here are some facts about the Royal Norfolk Show and the annual art exhibition:

  • We annually exhibit over 320 pieces of art and 35 sculptures.

  • Over a third of the artwork in the marquee is sold over the two days of the show.

  • Between 78,000 to 85,000 people attend the show every year, so footfall in the gallery is high.

Our aims:

  • To help promote youth art talent in Norfolk.
  • Help young artists get a foothold in the professional art market.
  • Boost the influence of new artists at the show.

We hope this will run every year so that more youth and young art can be exhibited at the show, seen by the public and ultimately sold to the visitors.

There is no chosen subject, we just want to see your work, as it is. Your submitted work can be work you are preparing for exams or assessments, so there will be no pressure to produce extra work at a busy time.

Click here to enter your details and upload your picture - any file type suitable before 19 April 2024

I hope this may be of interest to you and your students and if you require any further information regarding entry, please contact

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This news item was published : 19 March 2024.

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