Learning and SEND twilight: High Needs Element 3 funding workshop

This information session on 7 May 2024 is for mainstream educational settings and other external stakeholders regarding High Needs Element 3 funding arrangements for the financial year 2024-25.

The session will include:

  • E3 funding data and national context
  • When to make requests for support
  • How to make requests for support
  • Information supporting requests
  • An update on the process and timescales, including key dates
  • Banding amounts
  • Signposting to supporting resources and training

Delegates will:

  • Understand the funding arrangements
  • Know how to access further advice and support

If you wish to book onto this training please click on this link High Needs Element 3 Funding Workshop (summer term 2024). Arrangements for the financial year 24-25.

For enquiries, please contact sendandinclusiontraining@norfolk.gov.uk

This news item was published : 19 March 2024.