Brand new service called Young Carers Matter Norfolk launched on April 1

Norfolk County Council has a three-year contract (2024-27) for our young carers and families service with Voluntary Norfolk, who will work in partnership with the Benjamin Foundation under the name of young carers Matter Norfolk. Together they will continue to make sure young carers get the support they need so that they are able to flourish, including when inappropriate or excessive caring is identified.

What does the service provide?

Direct support to young carers and their families

  • One to one support for young carers and their families; discussing with young carers their worries, their caring role, supporting families to access practical solutions and building networks of support.
  • Groups/information sessions, both online and in person, for young carers and their families - particularly for those who are unable to access sessions within school such as those young people who are home schooled or not in education, training or employment.
  • Access to activities and trips during the holidays, linked to other initiatives such as the holiday activities and food programme.
  • Additional family support on strengthening relationships through structured groupwork.

Work in schools / education establishments

  • Work with schools and education establishments to deliver the support to young carers.
  • Support at transition points to ensure young carers are supported at key stages in their lives.
  • Work with schools to help support young carers meet with other young carers in groups and build long lasting friendships in those settings.

World of work and employability

  • Work to prepare for and access education, training or employment through the 'Routes to Work' Programme and practical support such as CV writing skills, interview techniques, as we know that this can be a worrying time for all young people and that young carers may benefit from additional guidance.

Young Carers Voice

  • Structured, regular locality-based forums and countywide Norfolk Young Carer Voice Meetings to ensure young carers and their families can have their voices heard and the ability to influence change.
  • Offer opportunities to young carers to develop their own media raising awareness of young carers and their needs through our Citizen Journalism programme. Young carers will be able to create radio shows, podcasts and social media, to reach out to others and tell their stories in their own words.

Young Carer information on a page

  • This will be an opportunity for young carers to detail their caring role, how they want to be supported by schools and wider education providers, and how they would like to be involved in conversations about the person they support. It will also become part of their toolkit for career planning giving them a space to build a picture of their skills and experience.
  • It will also mean that young carers will not have to tell their story to professionals more than once and will support practice in schools and wider multi-agency working.

How do we make a referral?

To make a referral, please either contact the Advice Line on 0800 083 1148 or use the referral form at

Who do we contact if we have questions?

If you have any questions, or require this in another language, please contact: info@youngcarersmatternorfolk

This news item was published : 15 April 2024.

Warning this news item was published over a year ago.

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