Norfolk Schoolfinder
Information about the school
Eaton Road
Click here to contribute to the consultation.
Clover Hill VA Infant and Nursery School
Edith Cavell Academy and Nursery
Wensum Junior Academy
Eaton Primary School
Tuckswood Academy And Nursery
Henderson Green Primary Academy
Valley Primary Academy
Nelson Infant School
Avenue Junior School
Colman Junior School
Colman Infant School
West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
West Earlham Junior School
Chapel Break Infant School
St. Michael's CE VA Junior School
Bluebell Primary School
Bignold Primary School & Nursery
Recreation Road Infant School
Lakenham Primary School
NOR May 2024 | |
Yr 7 | 273 |
Yr 8 | 270 |
Yr 9 | 265 |
Yr 10 | 265 |
Yr 11 | 262 |
Yr 12 | 201 |
Yr 13 | 189 |
Total | 1725 |
School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)
If the academy receives more applications than there are available places then children with the academy named on an education, health care plan (EHC) or equivalent will be automatically admitted to the academy. If there are still places available, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the oversubscription criteria set out below:
Looked after children and those who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after was adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority, or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (definition used is in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
Children who are due to transfer and have an older brother or sister already at the school at the time of admission including sixth form. Siblings are ‘brothers or sisters living at the same address including adopted children, step-brothers, step-sisters and children in foster care within a family unit’;
Children who have been offered a place under the music potential, aptitude and ability criteria;
Children of staff at the school: a. where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or b. the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage;
Children who are due to transfer living nearest to the academy will be measured on a straight line crow flies basis using ordnance survey data; if following the application of admission rules and distance, two applicants cannot be separated for a final place, the academy will be determined by the local authority who manages our admissions using random allocation to determine the priority for the remaining place.
School admission policy : 2025/26 (Agreed)
the academy receives more applications than there are available places then
children with the academy named on an education, health care plan (EHC) or
equivalent will be automatically admitted to the academy. If there are still
places available, priority for admission will be given to those children who
meet the oversubscription criteria set out below:
Looked after children and those who were previously looked after but
immediately after being looked after was adopted or became subject to a child
arrangements order or special guardianship order.
Children who are due to transfer and have an older brother or sister already at
the school at the time of admission including sixth form. Siblings are
‘brothers or sisters living at the same address including adopted children,
stepbrothers, stepsisters and children in foster care within a family unit’;
Children who have been offered a place under the music potential and aptitude
Children of staff at the school:
Children who are due to transfer living nearest to the academy will be measured
on a straight line crow flies basis using ordnance survey data; if following
the application of admission rules and distance, two applicants cannot be
separated for a final place, the academy will be determined by the local
authority who manages our admissions using random allocation to determine the
priority for the remaining place.