Norfolk Schoolfinder
Information about the school
Bluebell Road
Click here to contribute to the consultation.
Clover Hill VA Infant and Nursery School
Wensum Junior Academy
Eaton Primary School
Henderson Green Primary Academy
Valley Primary Academy
Nelson Infant School
Avenue Junior School
Colman Junior School
Colman Infant School
West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
West Earlham Junior School
Chapel Break Infant School
St. Michael's CE VA Junior School
Bluebell Primary School
Bignold Primary School & Nursery
Recreation Road Infant School
NOR September 2024 | |
Yr 7 | 140 |
Yr 8 | 137 |
Yr 9 | 142 |
Yr 10 | 122 |
Yr 11 | 135 |
Total | 676 |
School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)
THIS SCHOOL WAS NOT OVER-SUBSCRIBED FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 The following oversubscription criteria in order of priority will be applied when there are more applicants than places available. All preferences will be treated on an equal basis. 2.1 First priority: Looked after Children and previously looked after children ‘Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became the subject of a child arrangements order or special guardianship order’ 2.2 Second priority: exceptional medical or social needs Children who have exceptional medical or psychological conditions that make it essential that they attend City Academy Norwich rather than any other school. 2.3 Third priority: Children of staff Children of CAN staff (includes support and teaching staff on a permanent contract) at the school where the member of staff is the legal parent / guardian of that child and: (i) been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or (ii) have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. 2.4 Fourth priority: Sibling living within catchment Children whose permanent home address is inside the schools’ designated area and who have a sibling on roll at the time of application and who is expected to be attending the school when the child will enter the school. 2.5 Fifth priority: Children living with catchment and attending a linked school Children whose permanent home address is inside the school’s designated area and attend a linked school. 2.6 Sixth priority: Children living in catchment Children who live closest to the school, based on a straight line from the main front door to the entrance of the property 2.7 Seventh priority: Children living outside the catchment area (i) Children living outside the designated catchment area that have a sibling (including children living in the same family unit) already on the school roll and who will still be on roll as the time of the admission; (ii) Children living outside the designated catchment area who attend a linked school as mentioned above (iii) Children who live closest to the school based on a straight line from the main front door to the entrance of the property.
School admission policy : 2025/26 (Agreed)
The following oversubscription criteria in order of priority will be applied when there are more applicants than places available. All preferences will be treated on an equal basis. First priority: Looked after Children and previously looked after children ‘Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became the subject of a child arrangements order or special guardianship order’ Second priority: exceptional medical or social needs Children who have exceptional medical or psychological conditions that make it essential that they attend City Academy Norwich rather than any other school. Third priority: Children of staff Children of CAN staff (includes support and teaching staff on a permanent contract) at the school where the member of staff is the legal parent / guardian of that child and: (i) been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or (ii) have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Fourth priority: Sibling living within catchment Children whose permanent home address is inside the schools’ designated area and who have a sibling on roll at the time of application and who is expected to be attending the school when the child will enter the school. Fifth priority: Children living with catchment and attending a linked school Children whose permanent home address is inside the school’s designated area and attend a linked school. Sixth priority: Children living in catchment Children who live closest to the school, based on a straight line from the main front door to the entrance of the property Seventh priority: Children living outside the catchment area (i) Children living outside the designated catchment area that have a sibling (including children living in the same family unit) already on the school roll and who will still be on roll as the time of the admission; (ii) Children living outside the designated catchment area who attend a linked school as mentioned above (iii) Children who live closest to the school based on a straight line from the main front door to the entrance of the property. |