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Norfolk Schoolfinder

Information about the school

School logo
Hellesdon High School
Mr Mike Earl
Mr Tom Rolfe
The Wensum Trust (Academy Trust)
Age range
Academy Converter
DfE Number
Contact details
Hellesdon High School
187 Middletons Lane

School & Community Zone
LA Area
North & East
Not Applicable
Councillor division
Ofsted outcome
Last inspection
Pupil numbers
Number on Roll (May 2024)
Planned admission numbers (2024/25)
Planned admission numbers (2025/26)
Proposed Admission numbers (2026/27)
Click here to contribute to the consultation.
SEND Provision
Mixed year groups
Nurture provision
School visits
  • Individual visits
  • Open evenings
Transition support
  • Bespoke Transition package
  • Transition week
  • Swimming pool
  • Inclusive before school provision
  • Inclusive after school provision
Therapeutic Offer
  • Speech and Language therapy
Mental health support
  • Qualified counsellor
  • Mental Health Champion
  • Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA)
Independence Curriculum Offer
  • TITAN Travel training
Curriculum Offer
Number on Roll (NOR) detail
NOR May 2024
Yr 7251
Yr 8244
Yr 9249
Yr 10248
Yr 11250
Yr 12173
Yr 13154
Admissions policy

School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)


In the event of oversubscription the governors aim to apply fair oversubscription criteria.

After admission of students with an Educational, Health Care Plan (EHCP) or Statement of Special Educational Needs where the School is named in the EHCP or statement, priority will be given to those students who meet the criteria set out below, in the following order:

1. ‘Looked After Children’ in the care of the LA or being provided accommodation by the LA or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.

2. siblings of students who will be registered students in years 7-11 at the School on the first day of the term when the applicant student would be joining the School. Sibling is defined in these arrangements as children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters and foster brothers or sisters.

3. children attending one of our designated feeder schools and living within the catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA.

4. children attending one of our designated feeder schools and not living in catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA.

5. Children living in catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA, but not attending one of our designated feeder schools

6. children of staff: a. where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or b. where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

7. other applicants.

Show School admission policy : 2025/26 (Agreed)

Show School admission policy : 2026/27 (Proposed)

School admission policy : 2025/26 (Agreed)

In the event of oversubscription the governors aim to apply fair oversubscription criteria.

After admission of students with an Educational, Health Care Plan (EHCP) or Statement of Special Educational Needs where the School is named in the EHCP or statement, priority will be given to those students who meet the criteria set out below, in the following order:

1. ‘Looked After Children’ in the care of the LA or being provided accommodation by the LA or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.

2. siblings of students who will be registered students in years 7-11 at the School on the first day of the term when the applicant student would be joining the School. Sibling is defined in these arrangements as children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters and foster brothers or sisters.

3. children attending one of our designated feeder schools and living within the catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA.

4. children attending one of our designated feeder schools and not living in catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA.

5. Children living in catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA, but not attending one of our designated feeder schools

6. children of staff: a. where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or b. where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

7. other applicants.

Show School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)

Show School admission policy : 2026/27 (Proposed)

School admission policy : 2026/27 (Proposed)

Proposal:  The Wensum Trust and the Principal of Hellesdon High School propose to reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) from 250 to 225, to take effect from September 2026.

In the event of oversubscription the governors aim to apply fair oversubscription criteria.

After admission of students with an Educational, Health Care Plan (EHCP) or Statement of Special Educational Needs where the School is named in the EHCP or statement, priority will be given to those students who meet the criteria set out below, in the following order:

1. ‘Looked After Children’ in the care of the LA or being provided accommodation by the LA or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.

2. siblings of students who will be registered students in years 7-11 at the School on the first day of the term when the applicant student would be joining the School. Sibling is defined in these arrangements as children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters and foster brothers or sisters.

3. children attending one of our designated feeder schools and living within the catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA.

4. children attending one of our designated feeder schools and not living in catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA.

5. Children living in catchment area of the school in accordance with the boundaries drawn up by the LA, but not attending one of our designated feeder schools

6. children of staff: a. where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or b. where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

7. other applicants.

If you would like to comment on the above proposed admissions policy please email, letting us know which school's policy you want to comment on, and any comments on it that you would like to share with us.

Show School admission policy : 2025/26 (Agreed)

Show School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)