Management Information Sheet

2019/20 Budget Share

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:29/19
Publication Date:22/02/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Samantha Williams; Martin Brock (01603 222079)
Audience:Headteachers/ Governors

2019/20 Budget Share

Schools' revenue budgets for 2019/20 will be available online from 28 February 2019.

Following the outcomes of consultation MI sheet 153/18 published 23 November 2018, Norfolk has now received permission from the Secretary of State for a movement of £4.58m from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block in the 2019-20 financial year, as recommended by Schools Forum and in addition to the 0.5% movement (£2.41m) already agreed by the Schools Forum for 2019/20. This additional funding for high needs supports the ongoing High Needs Block pressures outlined in the autumn Fair Funding consultation document.

Norfolk benefits from the DfE’s National Funding Formula methodology of allocating Dedicated Schools Grant to local authorities, and the level of Schools Block funding now allocated directly to schools via the funding formula for 2019/20 has increased to £474.06m, compared with £469.73m in 2018/19, after allowing for the agreed transfers to the High Needs Block.

For the 2019/20 allocations, Norfolk will be using National Funding Formula unit rates for calculating individual school budgets. Final agreement for the changes to the funding formula for 2019/20 were agreed by Children’s Services Committee on 22 January 2019. All changes are incorporated into the published 2019/20 budget share documents.

Please ensure that you view all of the documents relating to the 2019/20 budget, as these all contain important information relating to the budget setting process.

The documents are:

  • Schools Budget Share
  • School SEN Memos (SEN allocation password protected)
  • Nursery Memo
  • Memorandum Items (De-delegation)
  • Indicative Energy Charge Memo
  • LAC Pupil Premium (Password protected)

Additional documents:

  • Budget Share Guidance Part 1
  • Budget Share Guidance Part 2
  • Inflation Document

If you have general finance or budget planning queries, please contact your Finance Support Officer in the first instance. If you have a query regarding how a specific funding factor has been calculated please contact one of the Education Funding team:
Samantha Williams or
Martin Brock