Management Information Sheet

Further Advice from Department for Transport affecting transport by LA and Schools

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 31/1/2020
MI Number:6/20
Publication Date:10/01/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:Passenger Transport Unit (01603 224351)
Audience:School Business Managers

Further Advice from Department for Transport affecting transport by LA and Schools

Following the release of MI sheet 182/19 on 29 November, please find attached a further letter that has been issued from the Department for Transport setting out an additional exemption for the Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations 2000.

This new exemption can be applied for by schools who organise school transport for their pupils and will allow them to continue doing so until July 2020.

It does not apply to school transport organised by the local authority.

The detailed regulation and requirement to apply for a temporary 'school procured' exemption by 31 January 2020 is explained in the letter.

View the Home to School exemption application letter for school procured services

Download the Home to School procured services application