Management Information Sheet

Updated information about free use of Telephone Interpreting Service (Language Line) during COVID lockdown

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:58/20
Publication Date:08/05/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:Tanya Ingram / Lisa Reynolds (01603 303339)
Audience:Headteachers / Inclusion Leads / Safeguarding officer / EAL Co-ordinator / DTs for LAC

Updated information about free use of Telephone Interpreting Service (Language Line) during COVID lockdown

Please note this is an update to MI sheet 54/20. The offer below is free for use to ALL schools, Academies and Free Schools which have EAL children/parents/carers, for whom a lack of English is a barrier to communication during this time.

To ensure safeguarding and equal access to education during the period of lockdown, the Norfolk Virtual School for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children is providing FREE access to INTRAN's telephone interpreting service (Language Line) for schools to use to contact their vulnerable families (CIN, CP, VPR Syrian families and any other families where there is a communication barrier due to parents'/carers' limited level of English.)

This service will be FREE for all schools for this specific use and timeframe. Once schools have the code they can use it to call their EAL vulnerable families to check on them and discuss any issues arising.

There will be a limit of 15 minutes per child per week and you will need to register the call usage with the EAL team.

In order to access the code, for further advice on how to use Language Line and how to register the call usage please email either or

A reminder that the code can only be used for Language Line bookings. Calls are to an 0800 number, therefore, in most cases, the call itself is also free. Instructions for Language Line are also attached.

Please note- In order not to disadvantage schools that have already paid into the INTRAN service, it is important that you use the new ID code to use Language Line during the lockdown period. Using any other ID Code (if known), will be outside of this offer and fully charged to your school.

Academies and free schools are able to join INTRAN to access a range of interpreting and translation services. For more information about accessing INTRAN, please contact

In order for schools to continue to access interpretation and translation services post COVID lockdown, INTRAN is available for use by all LA maintained schools. Simply contact for details. Academies and free schools are also able to join INTRAN, by also contacting