Management Information Sheet

Pupil Premium Plus WOW Awards

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:179/21
Publication Date:01/10/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Clare Farrant (01603 307769)
Audience:Headteachers, Designated Teachers for Looked After Children

Pupil Premium Plus WOW Awards

Don't forget - as described in MI Sheet 89/21, The Virtual School has launched the first Norfolk Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) WOW Awards, covering the 2021-22 academic year. Your school could be awarded an additional £2,500 PP+ funding to benefit looked after children in your setting, if you submit a winning entry. See the attached flyer for more information.

Please speak to our Pupil Premium Manager, Clare Farrant at or one of our Virtual School Advisers if you would like any advice around submitting an entry. We are really looking forward to celebrating the innovative ways that schools use the funding to support young people and sharing good practice with other settings.

It might be the termly funding allocation that you've used for a specific intervention for a young person, or exceptional funding agreed by the Virtual School to provide short term additional support for a young person in a specific area. Or perhaps funding has been pooled and used for staff training to benefit looked after children within the setting as a whole.

If you have examples of how the use of PP+ funding has made an impact on the educational outcomes for the looked after children in your school, we want to celebrate this with you and help other settings to follow your successes.

Case study templates are available to download in the news section of our website.

Pupil Premium Plus Guidance and FAQs are also available on our website.

The competition will run until the end of the 2021-22 academic year and will be judged by the Virtual School Reference Group. Winners will be announced in the Autumn Term 2022.