Management Information Sheet

SEN Information Reports

MI Sheet TypeFeedback
To Be Completed By: 31/10/2022
MI Number:27/22
Publication Date:18/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Claire Jones (01603 224331)
Audience:SENCOs and Head teachers

SEN Information Reports

During the second half of the autumn term, two different SEN Information Report audits have been completed:

  1. An audit to check that all Norfolk settings have published an up to date SEN Information Report on their website
  2. A quality assurance audit of a small sample of SEN Information Reports

These audits are documented in the Written Statement of Action (WSoA) and provide evidence of improvement from when they were first introduced.

The quality assurance audit was conducted by SEND professionals alongside representatives from Family Voice Norfolk. A random sample of fifteen SEN Information Reports were audited in detail from a range of educational settings. We attach an example of good practice that was identified during the audit.

You can read the results of both audits in the attached report.

We are grateful to all educational settings for their support to continue to improve information for parents/carers who have a child with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND).

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