Management Information Sheet

Fully funded RSHE support for Norfolk Schools!

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:33/22
Publication Date:18/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Josie Rayner-Wells
Audience:CEOs, Headteachers and Principals, Safeguarding Leads; SENDCos, RSHE Leads

Fully funded RSHE support for Norfolk Schools!

Helping you embed effective provision.

RSHE became statutory for all Schools in September 2020. Through the promotion of health, wellbeing and safeguarding, this pivotal curriculum will position children and young people to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, supporting positive lifelong outcomes. It can also contribute to whole-school improvement and is a key part of achieving a good or outstanding Ofsted grading.

We recognise that RSHE became statutory during a time of significant challenge for schools. To support you to embed an effective programme that will make a real difference to the lives of our Norfolk children, we have secured funding to provide all schools with everything they need to take a whole-school approach and maximise the impact of RSHE.

The fantastic offer of fully funded support will include:

  • Compliance calculator: Helping you evidence compliance and identify priority areas for development.
  • RSHE Bootcamp (primary/secondary), with RSE Solution resource: 1 day planning and development course for RSHE curriculum leads, with accompanying teaching resource.
  • Whole-school approach toolkit: Expert guidance and resources including model RSHE policy and curriculum map.
  • Action plan: Customisable tool to coordinate development work required to ensure an effective RSHE curriculum.
  • Support surgeries: Ongoing support and access to expert guidance.

Interested in booking a subsidised RSHE teaching skills and strategies inset for your school?

Only 6% of teachers received RSE training as part of their initial teacher training. It is vital that we position teachers to confidently teach effective RSHE within the classroom. High quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate teaching of these subjects can lead to better outcomes for pupils and support whole-school improvement. Our 2-hour course can be delivered flexibly at a time convenient to you, including twilights or on an inset day, subject to availability. Attendees will leave this course with the knowledge to confidently teach an age and stage appropriate RSHE curriculum to small groups and whole classes of pupils:

  • Establish a safe learning environment
  • Understand and use evidence-based approaches to teaching RSHE
  • Consider inclusive, age and stage appropriate approaches, including knowing how to confidently respond to 'tricky questions'
  • Identify assessment strategies to measure the impact of RSHE teaching

For some pupils Covid-19 may have created or exacerbated anxieties in engaging with school. These fully funded bespoke surgery sessions provided by Norfolk EPSS will provide targeted strategies to address individual pupil needs. Please see previous e-courier article

Got some questions?

Like early access to the fully-funded support and resources?

Want to purchase a subsidised inset session?

Please email: