Management Information Sheet

Norfolk Learning Board Inclusion Workshop March 2022

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:41/22
Publication Date:25/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Andy Tovell
Audience:CEOs, School leaders and SENCos and Pastoral Leads

Norfolk Learning Board Inclusion Workshop March 2022

As shared in the MI Sheet 214/21 the Norfolk Learning Board has chosen two priorities to focus on - Transition and Inclusion. We would like to invite CEOs, school leaders, SENCOs and pastoral leads across all phases to join a workshop to look at some of the systemic barriers experienced across the Norfolk education system relating to inclusion and opportunities to address them.

While there has been a significant capital investment by Norfolk County Council through the SEND and AP Transformation Programme, this area remains a priority and the pandemic has exacerbated some of the challenges across the system.

The key themes for the workshop will be:

  • What is our shared understanding of inclusion and the challenges we face?
  • How can local solutions be underpinned by a system wide commitment to inclusion?
  • How we can create a shared aim and system goal for enabling all Norfolk pupils to have a successful education?


The workshop is on Friday 25 March 2022 from 12pm at Sprowston Manor Hotel. There will be a buffet available on arrival prior and the session will finish by 5pm.

Participation and Pre-Workshop Thinking

The workshop will be planned around Design Thinking approaches and will be facilitated by Corrienne Peasgood and Jerry White, Principal and Deputy Principal at City College Norwich, supported by representatives from the Joint Chairs group.

Design Thinking is a process which enables a deeper understanding to be developed, it helps to challenge assumptions and redefine problems whilst exploring innovative solutions.

Next Steps

Please email Chloe Murchie at if you wish to attend.