Management Information Sheet

Support for Schools - Ukrainian Refugees

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:72/22
Publication Date:25/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Chris Snudden
Audience:Headteachers and Principals of all Norfolk Schools

Support for Schools - Ukrainian Refugees

Dear Colleagues

I wanted to share the position with regard to Ukrainian families coming to Norfolk. As some of you will know already Ukrainian families are beginning to arrive in the county. Some have come via the family visa route. We have begun to find places for children in Norfolk schools, and a couple have already started. A big thank you to those schools who have been more than willing to take in children, at very short notice. It has been inspiring to feel the warmth and welcome that has been shown to the families.

Many people have come forward to host a family from Ukraine and families have been matched with the hosts. So far, we know that around 120 families will initially be coming to Norfolk, but this number is likely to increase over the coming weeks. As you would expect the families are predominantly women with children and some elderly. We can see from the provisional data we have received that there are a number of children, across all age ranges, but particularly aged 8-14.

With regard to those families who have offered to host a Ukrainian family, DBS checks and then visits to the families once they arrive, have been planned. The process we are following, to enable children to access school places or an early years place, is the same as we would normally use. (See attached.) If you are approached directly, please advise them to contact admissions in the normal way. We are unsure what the future financial support arrangements will be but as soon as we know more, we will let you know.

Of course, it goes without saying that we know many youngsters will come to our country having experienced some exceptional times over the last few weeks. This may not be visible initially, but we urge you to draw on your experience of supporting families who have been through trauma. We are offering additional CPD around trauma to support staff who are receiving children. See separate MI Sheet 69/22. For some children and young people, stepping quickly into timetabled classes and lessons, with regular touch points and check ins, will provide the consistency and routine they need. Whereas other children may need a more bespoke and slow-paced transition with opportunities to settle and form new relationships to help them feel safe; for children in this position, we know that play can be a powerful vehicle to help achieve this. I encourage you to do what you feel is right to enable those children and young people to transition safely and securely.

Our broader offer of support for schools as we go forward will include :

  • Provision of laptops for families to support and enable learning in different ways
  • Opportunities to access Trauma Informed workshops and webinars
  • Fully funded access to the Young Interpreters scheme
  • Fully funded access to Language Line / INTRAN
  • Guidance and resources to help schools discuss the conflict in Ukraine, further information can be found in MI Sheet 48/22
  • Guidance on political impartiality when teaching about political issues can be found in MI Sheet 62/22

This list is not exhaustive and will evolve as we have feedback from you and from other partners and families about what is needed. As we build the profile of activity and support around the families, I will keep you in touch with developments.

We know that schools and settings will want to welcome and support the children and young people who come to Norfolk, but we also recognise that many schools are continuing to feel the effects of the pandemic. Once again, we have re-organised ourselves around this and like many parts of the system, more widely across social care, the Districts, Health etc we are working relentlessly to pull together the support and infrastructure around the system to enable this to be as positive an experience for our Ukrainian families as possible.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, your Senior Partnership Adviser (l& or if you have taken children and your query is about specific aspects of support please contact Keeley White (

Best wishes

Chris Snudden

Director for Learning and Inclusion
Norfolk Children's Services