Management Information Sheet
INTRAN - New supplier for British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters from 1 July 2022
Norfolk County Council is a member of INTRAN, who tender, approve and commission high quality interpretation and translation services for us to use.
From 1 July 2022, INTRAN has a new supplier to use when booking a BSL interpreter.
Deaf Connexions are refocusing their organisation and will no longer be providing BSL interpretation. The new supplier is Clarion, who were previously our secondary supplier for this service.
You can book a BSL interpreter from Clarion for either an in person, or a remote meeting using a video platform, like Zoom or Teams, by:
- Calling 01763 209001
- Emailing
- Texting 07801 612240
When booking you will need to give the following information:
- Your name, telephone number and email address
- Your ID Code, and the name of your organisation
- Language option (BSL, Braille, Lipspeaking etc.)
- Appointment date & time, expected duration and location
- Purpose of your booking and any specific requirements
Please find attached a useful list of INTRAN supplier contacts and a how to guide for Clarion