Management Information Sheet

Inclusion and SEND updates, including fully funded training, guidance, and resources for schools - Summer 1

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 14/04/2023
MI Number:64/23
Publication Date:18/04/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Josie Rayner-Wells (01603 303329)
Audience:CEOs, Headteachers and Principals, SLT, Behaviour Leads, Inclusion Leads, SENDCos, Pastoral Leads, RSHE Leads, MH Leads, Teachers, TAs.
Links:MI Sheet - Inclusion and SEND offer Summer 1.docx

Inclusion and SEND updates, including fully funded training, guidance, and resources for schools - Summer 1

Welcome to the Summer term! We hope you had a well-deserved Easter break and are pleased to share our fantastic offer of fully funded and subsidised Inclusion and SEND advice, guidance, training, and resources for your school, supporting you to develop more inclusive school cultures and curriculums for your whole-school community.

Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP)

Led by Josie Rayner-Wells, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Early Intervention and Prevention.

The EIP team are delighted to be welcoming the English as an Alternative Language (EAL), Ethnically Diverse Communities (EDC) and Gypsy, Roma Traveller (GRT) teams into the service. This alignment and greater breadth of skills with secure an even better offer of Inclusion and SEND support for schools! You can now contact these teams via:


In April 2022, the DfE published a report that found 21% of all pupils had experienced bullying within the last year. The longer the bullying is sustained, the greater the risk of long-term impact that can last into adulthood. Our newly launched anti-bullying guidance for schools provides evidence-based guidance, model policies, resources and CPD to help your school have regard to the relevant laws and guidance and consider your efficacy in preventing and tackling bullying.

Promoting positive behaviours

This newly launched padlet of resources will support you to understand individual pupil needs and experiences, identify key triggers and plan for positive behaviours. The resources follow a structured approach: The first step introduces tools which focus on understanding the needs, feelings and experiences that may be underpinning a pupil's behaviours. The next step provides tools which can help to identify patterns, triggers, and possible functions of behaviours. The following step guides you to develop solutions focused planning tools such as positive behaviour support plans and crisis cycles. The final step helps you to review your whole school approach to inclusion with the aim of identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement. These tools are helpful in identifying needs and promoting positive behaviours but do not replace relevant training such as Norfolk Steps.

Our newly launched Norfolk Steps thematic webinars are fully funded for all Norfolk Steps schools. Please secure your place/s now:

Norfolk Steps Practitioner Webinars | Norfolk Services for Schools
  • 19/4/23 Supporting learners with Autism
  • 15/5/23 Supporting MSA's with behaviour
  • 11/7/23 Supporting learners with ADHD

You can see our full range of services and purchase the best value Norfolk Steps package here.

EAL/ EDC Advisory Service

  • Supporting EAL learners in the Mainstream Primary Classroom | Norfolk Services for Schools. This four-module self-led e-learning course will introduce professionals to basic EAL pedagogy and a range of practical strategies to support EAL pupils in the mainstream primary classroom.
  • Distinguishing the Difference between EAL and SEN | Norfolk Services for Schools. This face-to-face course will support delegates to ensure best practice for English as an Additional Language (EAL) pupils and their families in relation to SEN. We will cover how to distinguish between EAL and SEN difficulties and will explore a range of assessment materials.
  • Young Interpreters Scheme - Schools. This scheme is aimed at Primary and Secondary school children and involves a group of pupils who have an empathetic outlook in welcoming new arrivals to the school and supporting them during their induction period, as well as with ongoing social situations around school. A training package for participating pupils is provided to school which sign up to the scheme.
  • Refugee grant claims and EAL training. The deadline to claim your refugee grants funding for this term for Ukrainian pupils on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and for other newly arrived refugee cohorts is 31 May 2023.
    If this is the third term that your Ukrainian child has been in your school, this will be your last opportunity to claim your grant. Grant funding cannot be rolled over beyond the third term.
    The deadline for claims for the summer term is 31 August. Please read the full guidance attached regarding making claims.
    We highly recommend that you use your funding for CPD in EAL and we are offering the courses shown below in the summer terms. These have been very popular this year. We will be announcing CPD for the Autumn term soon.
  • Secondary EAL training. Bespoke training offered to schools for a staff member or team of staff with responsibility for EAL in school. Contact Tanya Ingram at for details
  • EAL Award for Primary and Secondary schools to encourage and celebrate good practice in developing school environments that promote and support diversity of culture and language.
    The package includes: An audit of EAL provision, staff CPD (bespoke in-school or other), Subscription to Young Interpreter scheme, advice, and guidance re: admissions, EAL resources, policy, teaching strategies, funding etc.
    Contact Robert Coyle at for further details.

Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Service

GRT Primary and EYFS Network | Norfolk Services for Schools. During these sessions we will be inviting speakers from a range of GRT communities/organisations, highlighting some exciting new projects and bringing updates on GRT culturally reflective resources, GRT History Month, national initiatives, and new guidance/research documents. We will also be covering topics of interest raised by schools, such as gaps in education, RSHE curriculum and transitions.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

The increased media coverage of RSHE in schools and current activism from lobby groups nationally is causing some concern. The DfE is due to review the RSHE Guidance as already planned this year. We will update schools accordingly.

In the interim, it is important that you continue with your planned provision of RSHE aligned to the statutory requirements of the current guidance, having consulted, and considered the views of your school community. Our RSHE toolkit and RSHE Bootcamp will help you to ensure you have taken a compliant, whole-school approach. If you have any concerns, please email our RSHE Adviser, Alice Ndiaye at


These fully funded e-learning modules support existing whole-school approaches to promoting social, emotional, and mental health.

Learning and SEND

Led by Alison Toombs, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Learning and SEND.

Offer of support:

E-learning offer

SEND Modules

These High Quality Teaching modules aim to give teachers an overview of what High Quality Teaching looks like in a mainstream setting within the context of the role and responsibility of every teacher to be 'a teacher of SEND' therefore supporting the Teacher's Standards.

  • SEND Module 1 - Identification of Need | Norfolk Services for Schools
  • SEND Module 2 - High Quality Teaching | Norfolk Services for Schools
  • SEND Module 3 - Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS) | Norfolk Services for Schools
  • Reflective Record - SEND and SEMH | Norfolk Services for Schools: Throughout this project, you will be considering the impact that your teaching has on the learning of children with SEND and SEMH. The project's E-learning modules and accompanying resources will support your understanding.

SEMH and Transitions Team

Led by Vicki Setters, Senior Adviser Inclusion, SEMH and Transitions.

Offer of fully funded support:

  • Bespoke, intensive support for schools in relation to CYP that are close to exclusion
  • Support for schools with the transition of CYP that are placed via the Fair Access Team
  • Support for schools with ensuring effective Managed Moves
  • Exclusions Team support
  • Support with identifying whether an SEMH SRB application is appropriate

The Inclusion and SEND Helpline is available for urgent requests for support on 01603 307736.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us on our mailbox, providing a single point of enquiry and entry to our services: