Management Information Sheet

Request for Expressions of Interest for new complex needs bases in Norfolk and a new autism base in West Norfolk

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 02/02/2024
MI Number:12/24
Publication Date:16/01/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Sue Turner (01603 365793)
Audience:Trust CEOs, Head Teachers / Principals and SENDCOs
Links:LFI Secondary SRBs - Information Pack.docx

Request for Expressions of Interest for new complex needs bases in Norfolk and a new autism base in West Norfolk

As part of our Local First Inclusion programme, we are inviting expressions of interest for Secondary Specialist Resource Bases (SRBs). We have plans for ten new 'complex needs' SRBs, each with 18 funded places, for young people with co-occurring needs across the County, and one new Autism SRB with a maximum of 25 funded places in West Norfolk. The closing date for applications is Friday 2 February 2024.

There is more information about the process, including an application form, in the attached information pack. The pupil profile and provision model for 'complex needs' are in Annex B, specialism specific information.

The increase in Secondary SRBs complements both the Alternative Provision developments and the work of the Inclusion and Opportunity team in developing a graduated response to meeting need. We are confident that the majority of secondary school leaders across the county are aware of these developments through our previous communications within the Local First Inclusion programme and the significant engagement that has occurred, led by Andy Tovell, within 'workstream 3 / Alternative Provision' developments. The Secondary SRB's complement fully those other developments. It will also build on a growth in Primary school SRBs, our aim being to align with the developing Specialist Hubs of Inclusive Practice (SHIPs) model.

Engagement sessions will be held on Friday 19 January and Tuesday 30 January from 10:00 to 12:30. Please email if you would like to book a 15 minute 1:1 discussion on Teams with the SEND Strategic Improvement team. It would be helpful if you could let us know in advance if you would like general or specific information so that we can ensure the right people to help you are available on the day.

We would also like to hear from you if you are not able to host a base but recognise this cohort and have young people in your school who would benefit from this provision. We are also keen to hear from you if you do not recognise the cohort or do not see the need for this type of provision. if you are not submitting an expression of interest but you would like to get in touch about the new Secondary SRBs, please email

We look forward to receiving your expressions of interest.