
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
ActionHeadteacher/Equality Lead
207/21Prejudice Related Incident Reporting03/12/2021 
InformationCEOs, Headteachers and Principals, SLT, SENDCos, Pastoral Leads, RSHE Leads.208/21INDIVIDED Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services - No longer accessible 
InformationHeadteachers / principals / Librarians / English leads
209/21Budget Proposal re: Education Library Service 
InformationAll schools210/21Support for Children and Young People (CYP) on the Speech and Language Therapy Support waiting list 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
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External Correspondence
InformationNorfolk Coast PartnershipNorfolk Coast Dark Skies - education resources still available
CPDAngles Maths HubCollaborative Teaching in Maths and Science
CPDAngles Maths HubSeeing Number at LKS2
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Upcoming Events
16/11/2021  09:2016/11/2021  10:00LA Schools Meeting
19/11/2021  09:0019/11/2021  09:00Accessibility plans in education settings (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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