
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationHeadteachers, Governors, Business Managers & Finance Staff
126/22Required Finance Training 2022 - 23 
InformationHeadteacher / Principal / Site manager127/22Schools Emergency Contact and Keyholder Database 
ActionSchool Leaders, Equality Leads128/22Annual Reporting of Prejudice Related Incidents30/09/2022 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDAll staffTraining for New Educational Visits Coordinators
CPDHeadteacher/Educational Visit CoordinatorHeadteacher + EVC Update Training 21 Sep
FlyerHeadteacher/Educational Visit CoordinatorHeadteacher + EVC Update Training 26 Sep
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External Correspondence
InformationSouth Norfolk and Broadland District CouncilsTravellers Charm Treasure Trail
InformationSouth Norfolk and Broadland District CouncilsThe Queens Treasure Trail
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Upcoming Events
15/07/2022  09:0015/07/2022  09:00Audit of School Safeguarding Practices 2022 - Group 3 (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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