
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationHeadteacher/ECT Induction Tutor214/22Reminder - Are you recruiting teacher(s) for a Spring 2023 start date? 
InformationHeadteachers/ Senior Leaders/ IT Managers215/22DfE Connect the Classroom programme 2022 
InformationAll staff
216/22Help and support with living costs 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
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Upcoming Events
06/12/2022  16:0006/12/2022  17:30Headteacher Briefings - Autumn term
07/12/2022  15:3007/12/2022  17:00'Get Started with Modeshift STARS' training
30/12/2022  09:0030/12/2022  09:00Inclusion and SEND Support for Schools Spring 1 (MI Sheet needs action)
31/12/2022  09:0031/12/2022  09:00School Sixth Form High Needs Funding Applications (MI Sheet needs action)
31/12/2022  09:0031/12/2022  09:00Summer RAG 2022 (MI Sheet needs action)
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