
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
ActionHeadteacher, Business Manager, School Office182/23School details data accuracy check10/11/2023 
ActionPrimary & Secondary School Leaders, Inclusion Leads and SENCos
183/23Local First Inclusion - Developing a Norfolk Commitment to Inclusion: not too late to participate20/10/2023 
ActionSchool leaders, trust execs, governors, finance leads, SEND leads
184/23Update regarding DfE 2024-25 funding announcement on Friday 06/10/23 and the ongoing LA consultation with schools regarding 2024-25 funding options31/10/2023 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDCurriculum Lead (EAL Coordinator), HLTAIntroduction to EAL for Primary Teaching Assistants - Fully funded CPD
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Upcoming Events
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