Ecourier for Governors

MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationHeadteachers, Principals, SENCos, Inclusion Leads, SEND Governors, Finance Officers
171/19Element 3 Funding arrangements for the spring term 2020 
InformationAll schools
173/19Previously Looked After Children briefing sheet 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
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External Correspondence
CPDNorfolk SACRENorfolk Agreed RE Syllabus 2019
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Upcoming Events
12/11/2019  13:0012/11/2019  15:30Autumn Primary Leadership Updates
15/11/2019  09:0015/11/2019  12:30School Forum Meeting
20/11/2019  08:1520/11/2019  11:00Secondary Leadership Updates
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